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Great game and nice dialog. Hope it have an alternative control. Quite prefer click to select and click to drop rather than hold drag. And mouse wheel to rotate.

The last level definitely took several re-tilings to get it right. Great game!


I loved getting 3 stars on each level, would definitely play more levels! I didn't realize at first that the scroll in the upper right shows your level objectives, but once I discovered that I was able to ace each level. Great game!

is that frieren lmao

(fun game, thanks)

(1 edit)

Really fun but if your not finished with the story line and you leave the game you lose all progress

Awesome time! Awesome work!


I see why Mark likes this

(1 edit) (+1)

Congratulation! Very well done!
Maybe if the player does not use the bottom left cakes, then add a message. I actually played the whole game always getting 2 stars. I did not read all the texts, and I did not see the info in the game at first. Then it's when I continued to watch the GMTK video, that I realized how to get the stars. 😅

what a lovely game 


this is insane quality for a game jam. I couldn't make graphics this clean in two week

Awesome game!


This is very fun game! Nice art, dialogues, puzzles!


Wow not only easy to play and learn but also a bit challenging :) great atmosphere and fun gags/characters and great simple mechanics used in cool smart ways!
Very satisfying gameplay, just fantastic overall

Looking forward to the next one :)

soooooooooo cool! :))

The art, the music, the gameplay, the idea, its just awesome!!
nice job :D


how was this done in 96 hours?????

Absolutely worth 3 staring each level, really great design!

Spent so long on this! Amazing game!!

This so amazing, you guys blew it out of the park. I didn't participate in the game jam but I'm definitely doing a future jam just for fun in the future as you guys have inspired me! Keep up the great teamwork!


It's buggy. I can't play :-(


This is unbelievably good. You guys did such an amazing job, this is an actual great game. I can't believe you pulled such a tender, cosy, fun and challenging experience in a jam. Enormous kudos

SOOOO GOOD! i love this game so much, i had a joy trying to fit everything in the packages. its short, cute, and relaxing. This really should have won 1st place. Great game!


Wow, great game! Little touches like the loading screens and sfx really add to the experience. Love the writing too. Great work!

Wonderful game! Should have won 1st place!


THIS IS SO MUCH FUN! The art is really cute and the music made me not want to completely tear my eyes out during the cursed stick and tennis ball level. The last level is incredibly satisfying, and I love the little end credits page!